Sunday, January 15, 2012

House of Cards -- Stacked Deck

I'll start this off simply with a quote from Calvera, bandit extraordinaire from the Magnificent Seven, "God would not have made sheep if he did not want them sheared." Had Calvera met Lamb-chops(Cobler), he'd have never imagined how true his words fit the bill.

There's a magic music bar on the right, click on some music if you multi-task while you read, it's diverse, culturally enlightening, to me at least.

Can't find something you like, too bad, but we're flexible here. Have a particular song to request; Do it, I'll post it. Just for you.

We don't follow the St.Louis rules of fiefdom here, no sir.

Hell, we don't follow any rules. Except the 10 Commandments.

True to my word about stacking the deck of cards, I'm evoking a card theme in this post, like it or not, Lambchops, to his ire can't touch this. Man o' man that's got a nice ring too it for a change.

Moving along

Red Sovine did a song decades ago about a soldier in Vietnam and a deck of cards, so the following information below was plagiarized from his song without his permission, sound a little familiar does it, it should -- simply click on Cobler vs Godzilla on the sidebar. Enough said.

Also why you are on the sidebar, follow it down to Red Sovine and listen to the Vietnam song, for there is where this blog theme's derived, with a little spin.

Moving along to the cards; numbers, suits, marks, face-cards, and tricks, let's break it down.

Ace -- 1 God -- 1 newspaper
#2 Number of chapters in the bible -- number of times Cobler has banned me
#3 Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost -- number of times Cobler has lied to me
#4 Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John -- number of times Cobler has refused my call
#5 Number of virgins trimming the lambs -- number of aliases Cobler uses to blog
#6 Six days God made Heaven and Earth -- The number I most associate with Cobler
#7 God rested -- Advocate is distributed 7 days a week
#8 God saved Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives -- Drawing a blank here
#9 Number of Lepers Jesus cleansed -- Average number of tweets Cobler does daily
#10 Nine out of the 10 Lepers did'nt thank Jesus -- Worthless staff blogs per day
Jack -- Devil -- Let's not go there
Queen -- Mother Mary -- Cobler's alter ego
King -- God -- N/A

4 Number of suits -- number of people Cobler keeps near for codependency
365 Marks on a card deck deck -- Days in a year the Advocate's electricity's on
52 Number of cards in a deck -- Is Cobler 52, hell, I don't know
13 Number of tricks -- Number of times my posts have been deleted lately
12 Picture cards -- number of journalist and reporters under 25 on staff

Hope you enjoyed the story, there's not much to my side, but Sovine's side is pretty neat. I'm just loading ink in the quill so I can get down to business.

The left side of this blog is ours, the right side is yours for request.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."

Sir Winston Churchill


Sugar Magnolia said...

Hey, Mr. VonPrien, that Jack is the one that'll get ya. I've put this on my blog before, purely for fun, but consider it a "99" request for this cool vid and see if Bon Scott isn't totally right:

This magnolia would be most grateful!

Sugar Magnolia said...

And, oh, yeah, I adore a good game of poker as much as one of chess.

Gawd, I miss Bon Scott.

And Yul Brynner.